The ‘Nope’ Book Tag

I was tagged by Natalie @ Teen Literati (here is her post) to do this wonderful tag. When I saw her version of the tag I know this would be an interesting one to do. I’m so happy she tagged me to do this. If she didn’t I would have done it myself aha. I have no idea who created this tag, but whoever did this is an amazing tag. But let’s get started! 

NOPE. Ending: a book ending that made you go NOPE either in denial, rage or simply because the ending was crappy.

Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson. I recently finished this book and honestly, I still say ‘no, no, no’ in my head. I can’t get over that ending. 

NOPE. Protagonist: a main character you dislike and drives you crazy.

Jude from The Cruel Prince by Holly Black. I had such a hard time trying to get through the book all because of Jude. I think if her character was better I would have liked it a lot more.

Nope. Pairing: a “ship” you don’t support.

Aelin and Rowan from Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas. I just don’t understand this ship. Honestly. I have enjoyed all of these books by Sarah J. Maas but this is just the only ship I can’t wrap my head around. The others, within this series, I love them. But this one is just annoying me. 

NOPE. Plot Twist: a twist you didn’t see coming and liked.

I think for this one everyone would think the ending of Empire of Storms by Sarah J. Maas. I haven’t touched that book in such a long time and I’m still not over it. I don’t think anyone is…

NOPE. Genre: a genre you will never read.

Horror/thriller books. Nothing about this type of books speak to me. I don’t think I’ll ever read them.

NOPE. Book Format: book formatting you hate and avoid buying until it comes out in a different edition.

Audible books! I have no idea why but I hate them. I have had such bad experiences with them in the past it’s just put me off them. 

NOPE. Trope: a trope that makes you go NOPE.

Insta-love. I’m sorry but it’s so unrealistic that I just hate so much. I don’t know why so many authors are putting it into their books. But tbh, some of the new releases they have been extremely lacking in it. So maybe they’re listening??

NOPE. Recommendation: a book recommendation that is constantly pushed at you, that you simply refuse to read.

I think for this one it would either be Shatter Me by Taheraeh Mafi or Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo. I have no idea why, but these just don’t speak to me saying read me aha. 

NOPE. Cliche: a cliche or writing pet peeve that always makes you roll your eyes.

I think with this one I would have to say when the protagonist says she is not ‘pretty’ or ‘beautiful’ yet the main love interest is always saying how pretty she is. Like we understand girls have insecurities but like come on. We need to see more characters that are more secure with the way they are!

NOPE. Love Interest: the love interest that’s not worthy of being one.

I think for this one I would have to say Lily and Creed from Seven Black Diamonds by Melissa Marr. Honestly, it’s just pointless the romance is even there.

NOPE. Book: a book that shouldn’t have existed. a book that you just don’t like.

The Seventh Decimate by Stephen Donaldson. Nope. 

NOPE. Villain: a villain you would hate to cross.

I don’t know! There are so many to choose from. All of these are just evil aha. I would have to say all of them. 

NOPE. Death: a character death that still haunts you.

I think the only one that comes to mind for this one would be ***** from the Hush Hush series by Becca Fitzpatrick. Even though I read that book more than 3 years ago, I’m still not over it. Will always hold a soft spot in my heart for that one. 

NOPE. Author: an author you had a bad experience reading for and have decided to quit.

I think for this one I would have to say Marie Lu. I couldn’t get through the first few pages of Legend. I feel like I should get her another chance but I don’t think I will be reading her books any time. 

So that’s my version of the ‘Nope’ book tag. I love seeing these different tags being done. Especially when they are about the things we don’t like a book.

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Till then readers!

13 thoughts on “The ‘Nope’ Book Tag

  1. Great tag!
    I love thrillers, but I wouldn’t read a horror book. And I would recommended Shatter Me. 😅
    And I’m with you; we need more secure female characters.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I think the main reason why I don’t ship them together is because I feel like the story could have gone a completely different way if they didn’t find one another. It might have worked out worse or something but I just can’t stand them 😋😋😋

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  2. Fun tag. I actually used to kind of hate more scary/thriller type of books – they freaked me out too much. I really love them now though, so you never know. 😉 I probably won’t ever read a Western type read though – they don’t interest me at all.


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